Version history file for electronic load series EL 9000 DT EL 9000 T Meaning of the symbols: + Feature added - Feature or bug removed (general bug fixes are not listed to have a better overview) * Feature changed Note: according to the block diagram in the manual, these devices have three microprocessor controlled components which have separate firmwares. They are listed below in separate sections. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component KE: v3.05 + SCPI: added sending termination character LF (line feed, 0xA) to all messages * Ethernet: TCP keep-alive time set to standard 2h + OT: added setting to determine whether the DC output shall be off after an OT alarm or continue + ModBus TCP: the optional Ethernet port now supports ModBus TCP via port 502, ignoring the Ethernet port setting where the default is 5025 (means, the port doesn't require to be set to 502, it's also not possible) - Removed a bug where the system would hang when the ModBus protocol is disabled, but the device receives a ModBus message